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IEA Survey Centre
Complementing the work of both our Governance and Economics Centre's is our Survey Centre. The purpose of the Centre is...
IEA Governance Centre
Our Governance Centre seeks to promote good governance, democracy and a transparent policy environment in South Sudan through both research and...
IEA Economics Centre
The Economics Centre, staffed by some of South Sudan’s leading economists, undertakes a variety of research, policy analysis and advocacy covering...
"The IEA is the home of good economic analysis applied to
public policy."
Allister Heath, The Telegraph
IEA Digital.

IEA-SS Official Mobile App Available Now
The Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) South Sudan is top notch public policy institute. is The Official Mobile App Available Now. Click The Download Button and Get install The App on Your Phone.

IEA-SS Official Mobile App Available Now
The Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) South Sudan is top notch public policy institute. is The Official Mobile App Available Now. Click The Download Button and Get install The App on Your Phone.

IEA-SS Official Mobile App Available Now
The Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) South Sudan is top notch public policy institute. is The Official Mobile App Available Now. Click The Download Button and Get install The App on Your Phone.
IEA is an independent and a neutral platform where pertinent policy issues are discussed in a non-partisan manner.
We foster mutual understanding through ideas, debates and analysis by bringing together leaders, policy makers and opinion formers to identify policy issues and challenges confronting South Sudan, East Africa and the continent of Africa and to openly discuss and offer innovative solutions on the issues.
The IEA is the South Sudan's free market think-tank.
IEA is an independent and a neutral platform where pertinent policy issues are discussed in a non-partisan manner. We foster mutual understanding through ideas, debates and analysis by bringing together leaders, policy makers and opinion formers to identify policy issues and challenges confronting South Sudan, East Africa and the continent of Africa and to openly discuss and offer innovative solutions on the issues. This is in line with our belief that those who wish to govern must subject themselves to probing questions by the people to ensure that they understand the concerns of the electorate, and have the capacity to address them.
The IEA is the South Sudan's free market think-tank.
IEA is an independent and a neutral platform where pertinent policy issues are discussed in a non-partisan manner. We foster mutual understanding through ideas, debates and analysis by bringing together leaders, policy makers and opinion formers to identify policy issues and challenges confronting South Sudan, East Africa and the continent of Africa and to openly discuss and offer innovative solutions on the issues. This is in line with our belief that those who wish to govern must subject themselves to probing questions by the people to ensure that they understand the concerns of the electorate, and have the capacity to address them.